Editorial Process

(Español-Normas Editoriales)

Only articles that follow the guidelines will be considered (see “Guidelines for authors”). The Editorial Board, guest editor, and/or the journal’s Editor are in charge of the initial review and selection process. Subsequently, an external reviewer, who is an expert in the field, is in charge of reviewing the article. In both instances, the originality, rigor, pertinence, use of sources, structure, and quality of the article are evaluated. The author will receive the results of the evaluation process approximately within two months of submitting the article. Having an article selected for publication by REC implies the author’s immediate acceptance of its publication and yields her or his patrimonial rights to the text. Any disagreement must be expressed directly to the Editor..

Guidelines for authors of articles

Submitted articles must follow these guidelines in order to be evaluated:

  1. The topic of the article must be pertinent for the issue for which it is submitted and in accordance with the mission of the journal
  2. It may be written in Spanish or English
  3. Its extension must be between 6,000 and 8,000 words
  4. The title of the article must appear at the beginning of the text. The author’s name must be omitted from the text as well as any reference to the author’s identity
  5. Each article must be preceded by an abstract of up to 100 words, in Spanish (Resumen) and English (Abstract). Additionally, five key words or expressions, in both languages, must be included
  6. Articles must be delivered in electronic format, using Word. The font must be Times New Roman 12 and the entire text, with exception to the endnotes, must be double-spaced
  7. Only endnotes can be used and not footnotes, and they must be single-space, with Arabic numerals, and Times New Roman 12 font
  8. All citations and bibliographic references must adhere to the latest edition of The Chicago Manual of Style, and the “author-date” documentation system must be used (click on “Author-Date” on The Chicago Manual of Style website.
  9. The following items must be submitted along with the article, but in a separate document: the title of the article, author’s full name, institution, e-mail address, submission date, and a brief academic bio of up to 80 words
  10. Both documents (the article and author information) must be sent to the guest editor.


Guidelines for Authors of Reviews
Submitted reviews must follow these guidelines in order to be evaluated:

  1. Reviewed books must be pertinent for the mission of the Asociación de Colombianistas
  2. The review may be written in Spanish or English, with an extension between 750 and 1,000 words
  3. The review must be delivered in electronic format, using Word. The font must be Times New Roman 12 and the entire text must be double-spaced
  4. The following information must be included: author/editor/etc. of the work reviewed, title, place and date of publication, publisher, number of pages, and ISBN. (See the format used in the latest issue of the journal.
  5. The review is submitted to the journal’s Review Editor.Guidelines for Guest Editors
  6. Creating the call for papers for the issue
  7. Making the initial evaluation of received materials
  8. Sending each selected article to a reviewer chosen in conjunction with the Editordirector
  9. Communicating directly with all authors
  10. Editing all the articles accepted
  11. Submitting the manuscripts to the journal director
  12. Proposing an image for the cover of his/her issue.



Statement of Ethics

Authors agree to submit unpublished material authored by them. If they have used texts by others, whether directly or paraphrased, they agree to cite them or refer to them according to the journal guidelines. They also guarantee that the article is not under review elsewhere.

Authors are asked to mention any funding that made the writing of their article possible, if that is the case.  Also, they must disclose any conflict of interest that may influence the content of their article. If the author discovers a significant error in his/her text, it is the author’s responsibility to contact the editor in order to retract or correct the article.

Evaluators agree to evaluate articles within the established deadline, in a confidential and neutral manner, and according to academic criteria. They must recuse themselves from evaluating an article if there is any conflict of interest whatsoever. If they have any doubts as to what might constitute a conflict of interest, they must contact the Editor .

The guest editors and the Editor of the journal agree to adhere to all the editorial guidelines indicated in this document, to maintain the confidentiality of the peer review process, and to disclose any conflict of interest that might exists.


Formatting and Style Guide

​The Chicago Manual of Style – Quick Guide (Click on “Author-Date”.)


(These guidelines were updated on June 20, 2018)

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