Guest Editor's Introduction: Narrative, Visual Arts and Film in Light of the Peace Accords in Colombia

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María Ospina


This volume explores the ways in which visual, filmic and literary arts that have emerged in Colombia since the Peace Process with the FARC guerrillas (2012) intervene in the public debates arising from the peace negotiations and open up new avenues for reflection on the complex realities of this time period.

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Author Biography

María Ospina

Associate Professor of Latin American Culture at the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures and the Latin American Studies Program at Wesleyan University (US). She is the author of the book El rompecabezas de la memoria. Literatura, cine y testimonio de comienzos de siglo en Colombia (Madrid: Iberoamericana Vervuert, 2019). She has published articles about representations of the jungle in contemporary Colombian culture, as well as studies on Colombian film, violence and representation of rural space. She has worked for Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango on curatorial and archival projects and compiled the anthology Cartas de la persistencia (Secretaría de Cultura de Bogotá: 2009) which emerged from the project of the same name.  She is the author of the short story collection Azares del cuerpo (Bogotá: Laguna Libros; Santiago de Chile: Edícola; Madrid: Las afueras) which has been translated into Italian (Edicola) and English (forthcoming in Coffee House Press, 2021). Other stories of hers have been published in anthologies in Colombia and Italy.