Desire and Curiosity in En Diciembre llegaban las brisas

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Santiago Parga Linares


Marvel Moreno’s En diciembre llegaban las brisas is one of Colombia’s least studied masterpieces. Critical attention on her work has focused on the fraught interaction between female sexuality and patriarchal forces in society. However, while female sexual desire plays a key role in the novel, it is not the most important type of desire in the text. This article analyzes the various types of desire in En diciembre llegaban las brisas. It finds that curiosity (desire for knowledge) plays an essential role in the narrator’s emotional and artistic apprenticeship and is the novel’s structural principle. This understanding of curiosity in terms of desire sheds new light on Moreno’s work and could prove useful in the study of other similarly autobiographical texts.


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Author Biography

Santiago Parga Linares, Universidad de los Andes

Santiago Parga Linares received his Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the City University of New York Graduate Center. His work explores the limits of autobiographical fiction and non-fiction, especially in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in Italy, Latin America and the United States. He is particularly interested in texts that are not outwardly autobiographical but display evident autobiographical attitudes.