Trans Studies in Colombia: In Remembrance of Laura Weinstein

Main Article Content

Juliana Martínez
Helena Suárez Rodríguez
Franklin Gil Hernández


This volume is a tribute to the life, work and legacy of Laura Weinstein, a tireless Colombian trans activist and leader who passed away on January 2, 2021. Laura was a great networker, whose work impacted spaces ranging from grassroots activism and public policy to legal influence and academic production, inclduing religion, spirituality (particularly Judaism) and transfeminisms.


Article Details

Author Biographies

Juliana Martínez, American University

Associate Professor in the Department of World Languages and Cultures at American University, Washington, D.C., where she is also a member of the advisory board for The Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies program, and a researcher at the Center for Latin American and Latino Studies (CLALS) and at the Center for Anti-Racist Policies. Her work focuses on the intersection of violence and body politics in Latin America.  She explores the representation of historical violence in recent cultural production; and gender and sexuality—particularly, trans studies.

Helena Suárez Rodríguez, Fundación GAAT

She is a social worker and offers support for the GAAT Foundation (Grupo de Acción y Apoyo  a personas Trans).  She is the co-director for the project andresearch area.  She has worked as the national coordinator for Gender Violence n Arauca, Atlántico, Bolívar, Córdoba, La Guajira, and Magdalena to strengthening local family alliances. 


Franklin Gil Hernández, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Anthropologist. Professor at the School of Gender Studies, National University of Colombia. Research topics: knowledge about gender and sexuality; sexual and reproductive rights; sexual and racial militancy; history of the city and sexuality; kinship; race relations and racism; gender and sport. His publicacions include Estamos aquí: cartografías de sexualidades disidentes en Bogotá (to be published in 2022), Políticas antigénero en América Latina: Colombia. Agentes conservadores contra los derechos sexuales y reproductivos (2020), “Lecturas entrecruzadas del poder: feminismos negros, diáspora epistemológica y experiencias políticas y académicas en Colombia” (2018), “’Estar en el mundo de los blancos’. Las tensiones entre clase y raza en las experiencias de personas racializadas como negras en sectores medios en Bogotá D.C.” (2015), and “Fronteras morales y políticas sexuales: apuntes sobre ‘la política LGBT’ y el deseo del Estado”