Juan Zapata Olivella y Manuel Zapata Olivella: An Intellectual and Cultural Dialogue between Two Brothers

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William Mina Aragón


The purpose of this essay is to establish a dialogue between the historical, literary, cultural, political, and activist work of two Afro-Colombian Caribbean intellectuals who defended an Afrodiasporic and cosmopolitan thought. Through a documentary methodical approach, the essay is developed in three sections: the first one makes a brief review of the life and work of both writers; the second one seeks to address the heroism of the Afro-Colombian heroes of independence centered on the figure of José Prudencio Padilla, from a narrative and historical approach; and the third one focuses on the articulation between novel and freedom from the conception of Olivellian mythical realism, at the intersection between fiction and reality.


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Author Biography

William Mina Aragón, Universidad del Cauca

Philosopher from Universidad del Valle and PhD in Sociology and Political Science from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. In 2020 he coordinated the specialized seminar “Interculturality, literature and multiculturalism in Manuel Zapata Olivella (1920-2020)” for the Alari Institute at Harvard University. He has been a lecturer at universities such as North Carolina, Harvard, Vanderbilt and Howard (host of the interdisciplinary research group Muntú, of which he is also a member). He has written for journals such as Afro American Review, Criticism and Palara. Since 1998 he has been a full professor at the Universidad del Cauca (Faculty of Law, Political and Social Sciences) and is currently a peer reviewer for the Colombian Ministry of Science Research System. He has interviewed personalities such as Fernando Savater, Edgar Morin, Alain Touraine, and Cornelius Castoriadis. He has also published works such as Historia, política y sociedad; (1997), Poesía y filosofía política (1999); El pensamiento Afro. Más allá de Oriente y Occidente (2003); Afrocolombianidad: ensayo sobre arte, cultura y política (2008); Derechos humanos afrocaucanos (2009); Las gestas del afro por la libertad (2010); La imaginación creadora afrodiaspórica (2014); Un legado intercultural (coautor y editor, 2016); Novela, sociedad y cultura (2017); El escritor y la política (2019), and Manuel Zapata Olivella: un humanista afrodiaspórico (2020).