The Other Rhythms of Óscar Collazos and Arnoldo Palacios: Looking at Silence and Wonder in Two Narratives from the Colombian Pacific

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Marita Lopera
Catherin Cardona Uribe


The literature of the Colombian Pacific is a niche to understand rhythms of life consistent with the so-called slow movement. The works of Arnoldo Palacios and Óscar Collazos, authors from Chocó, offers a propitious panorama for this type of descriptive analysis: they allow a methodological answer to the question of how to analyze rhythm and from what references to define the concept. Other rhythms will be described starting from music and philosophy. The Colombian Pacific as a culture described through literature, has a wide potential to expand the field of Colombian Literature and the canon towards the peripheries of the country.

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Author Biographies

Marita Lopera, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Writer, Master in Literature, tenured professor at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, research coordinator at the School of Education and Pedagogy and the Language and Culture research group at the same university.

Catherin Cardona Uribe, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

She holds a BA in Spanish and English and is a member of Semillero Aquenarre, affiliated to the Language and Culture research group of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. She is also a student of the integration cycle of the MA in Literature at that university.