Introduction: The Colombian Pacific Coast: Life Rhythms from Juradó to Cape Manglares

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Ana Elena Builes
Adriana Anacona Muñoz
Lina Suárez Vásquez


Guest editors' introduction

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Author Biographies

Ana Elena Builes, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Research Professor at the School of Architecture and Design, where she serves as Research and Postgraduate Coordinator. Researcher at the research group on Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape, and the research group on Language and Culture at Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Her research projects include Fashion, city, and economy, and she is currently developing the project Literary Cartography of the Insular Caribbean in the 20th Century-The Case of San Andrés and Providencia.


Adriana Anacona Muñoz, Universidad del Valle

Indigenous Woman of the Yanakuna People of Colombia, PhD in History and Art (cum laude thesis) and Expert in Peace and Conflict Management from the University of Granada, Spain. She graduated with a cum laude doctoral thesis which fosters an epistemological and practical commitment to the construction of peace in Colombia, as recognized by the Association of Research Centers and Institutes for Peace in Spain, AIPAZ, and the Ministry of Culture of Colombia. She holds an MA in Public Policy and a BA in Sociology from Universidad del Valle. She is a university Professor, social researcher,  Expert in Indigenous Rights, and a graduate from the Fund for the Development of the Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean FILAC. She is also a counselor of the Internal and External Relations Pillar of the Yanakuna Indigenous Council, provides technical support on a voluntary basis to the Mesa de Concertación Indígena de Cali, and collaborates with the National Fabric of Indigenous Women in Colombia.


Lina Suárez Vásquez , Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo

Clothing Designer from Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Magister in Development from the same university. Aspiring Specialist in Design Pedagogy at the National University of Colombia. Research professor at the Design Department of the Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo, Medellín-Colombia. Coordinator of the programs Technology in Textile and Fashion Design Management and Professional in Clothing Design at the same institution. Lines of research: design, implications of design practice, sustainability, and alternatives to development, body, and clothing.