Truth and Conjecture in Juan Gabriel Vásquez's La forma de las ruinas

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Bibiana Fuentes


This article discusses Juan Gabriel Vasquez’s La forma de las ruinas, analyzes its use of narrative protocols and its metafictional, philosophical, literary, and ethical implications, observes the intertextuality with Jorge Luis Borges, and situates the text’s relevance within political discussions contemporary to its publication. It argues that this text addresses different conceptions of history and their determinative role in motivating individual and collective action. By exposing different conceptions of time, such as teleological, predetermined by a divine plan, or contingent, the novel exposes the competing visions of history.

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Author Biography

Bibiana Fuentes, University of Wisconsin Eau Claire

She is an assistant professor of Spanish at the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. She holds a Ph.D in Hispanic literary and cultural studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her research focuses on alternative subjectivities in Latin American comparative literature. She has published essays on Colombian writers such as Laura Restrepo and Mario Mendoza.