Recetario de sabores lejanos Pablo Guerra, Diana Ojeda, Sonia Serna, Julio Arias, et al., comps.

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Camila Núñez-Bergsneider


Recetario de sabores lejanos is a documentary comic published by Cohete Cómics. This graphic novel is the outcome of a collaborative work between researchers, artists and one writer. The mentioned effort produced eight stories from eight recipes originated in different Colombian communities. This compilation was spearheaded by scriptwriter Pablo Guerra, and the research on which the chapters are based was compiled by Diana Ojeda, Sonia Serna, and Julio Arias.

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Author Biography

Camila Núñez-Bergsneider, University of Iowa

She is a Colombian historian with a Master's in Art History. Her main interest is comics studies, focusing on comic books or graphic novels that propose an alternative approach to History, Memory, and the construction of individual and collective identities. Currently, she is an instructor of Spanish and a PhD student in the Spanish and Portuguese Department in Iowa.