A Conversation with Powerpaola About Her Comic Book Worldview:Telepathic Brushstrokes, Artistic Dialogues, and Inter-species Encounters

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Jasmin Wrobel


In this interview, Colombian-Ecuadorian comic artist Powerpaola discusses the multiple roles that drawing and painting play in her life, and the role that life itself plays in her art. Conceiving artistic practice as a way to connect with the world—with humans, nature, and animals alike— the artist talks about her artistic dialogues, collaborations, worldview, and her recent experiences as a visiting professor at the Free University of Berlin.

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Author Biography

Jasmin Wrobel , Ruhr-Universität Bochum

She is an Adjunct Professor of Latin American Cultural Studies at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. She holds a Ph.D. in Latin American Studies from Freie Universität Berlin and was a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Manchester between 2022 and 2023. Currently, she is working on a monograph about antipatriarchal agencies in Latin American comics. She is the author Topografien des 20. Jahrhunderts: Die memoriale Poetik des Stolperns in Haroldo de Campos’ Galáxias, editor of Roteiros de palavras, sons, imagens: Os diálogos transcriativos de Haroldo de Campos" (2018), and co-editor of "Experimental Poetry Networks: Material Circulations" (2019, Materialities of Literatures), "Archives of Resistance: Picturing the Black Americas" (2022, Amerikastudien / American Studies), "Künste des Dazwischen: Visuelle Poesie und graphische Literatur als Genres ‘en marge’" (2023, apropos), O corpo-cronômetro: As temporalidades do corpo na literatura brasileira (2023), The Value of Literary Circulation (2023), and re/traçar história/s: quadrinhos e resistência negra (2023).