Traces of Colombian Comics: One Hundred Years of Identity

Main Article Content

Felipe Gómez Gutiérrez
Pablo Guerra
Laura Valentina Álvarez Peña


This special issue arises from the challenge of offering a comprehensive and diverse panoramic view of Colombian comics, examining historical contexts, thematic explorations, and the contributions of key figures within the industry. The collection of essays and interviews we present—in textual, visual, and hybrid formats—offers a multifaceted perspective on how comics have reflected and shaped Colombian cultures, histories, and identities.


Article Details

Author Biographies

Felipe Gómez Gutiérrez, Carnegie Mellon University

He is Teaching Professor of Hispanic Studies at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh (USA). He is the author of numerous articles on recent and contemporary Latin American literature, films, and comics, and is the founder and curator of the Latin American Comics Archive (LACA), a digital humanities project. He is currently working on a book project entitled “Utopia, Dystopia, and Affect in Recent Latin American Comics.”

Pablo Guerra, Guionista, editor e investigador independiente

He is a Colombian comic book editor, critic, and creator. He studied Literature at Universidad de los Andes and holds a Master's degree in Screenwriting from Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. He has authored comics such as "Dos Aldos" (Two Toms), "Caminos condenados", and "Los perdidos". Additionally, he serves as the editor-in-chief of Cohete Cómics, a Colombian publishing house dedicated to comics. He has written extensively on the history of Colombian comics.

Laura Valentina Álvarez Peña, Ilustradora, historietista y diseñadora editorial

She is a visual artist and literature graduate (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana) and holds a masters degree in Design and Visual Communication (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México). She has been working as an illustrator, comic artist, researcher, producer, and advisor for editorial and comic projects since 2015. Her experience is focused on both the editorial field and educational training in arts and literature. She has drawn documentary comics for the newspaper El TiempoADN, and the fanzine Dr. Fausto. Additionally, she is the co-author of a biographical comic about Luis Carlos Galán. With the project "Hábitos Lectores," she creates responsible consumer objects and promotes reading. She conducts workshops and talks on illustration, visual narrative, and fanzines for both children and adults.