Uncertainty and Liminality: Fuerza Alternativa Revolucionaria del Común (FARC) as a Subject In Transit

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Fredy Leonardo Reyes Albarracín
Pablo Felipe Gómez Montañez
Clara Victoria Meza Maya


As a result of participant observation and semi-structured interviews carried out during 2017 in the Spaces for Territorial, Training, and Reincorporation Spaces (ETCR) for former FARC-EP combatants of Icononzo (Tolima), Mesetas (Meta) y Caldono (Cauca), we propose in this article an etnography of uncertainty to explore the FARC members' daily life. In particular, we examine the way in which they narrate their transition from guerrilla to civil life as they confront the uncertainty of their liminality. From our field work’s data, we show how the farianos (FARC members) deal with their uncertainties about their daily life.  We focus on three metaphorizations with which they present and narrated themselves through their positioning as fighters, members of the critical audience, and their role as interlocutors.

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Author Biographies

Fredy Leonardo Reyes Albarracín, University Santo Tomas

Doctor in Social Sciences from the National University of General Sarmiento, Argentina. Teacher of the faculty of social communication of the Santo Tomás University. Researcher of the communication, peace-conflict group of the same faculty and member of the Program of Critical Studies of Political Transitions, with a central node in the department of Anthropology of the Universidad de los Andes.

Pablo Felipe Gómez Montañez, University Santo Tomas

Doctor in Anthropology from the University of Los Andes, Colombia. Teacher of the faculty of social communication of the Santo Tomás University. Researcher of the communication, peace-conflict group of the same faculty and member of the Program of Critical Studies of Political Transitions, with a central node in the department of Anthropology of the Universidad de los Andes.

Clara Victoria Meza Maya, University Santo Tomas

Master in Research in contemporary social problems and specialist in communication-education by the Central University, Colombia. Teacher of the faculty of social communication of the University Santo Tomás and researcher of the group Communication, peace-conflict of the same faculty.