The "Real Truth" of Mourning: An Interview with the Artist Erika Diettes

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María Mercedes Andrade


The following interview centers on the role of art in Colombia in the context of the country's internal Armed Conflict, and the Post-Conflict scenario. The artist discusses such topics as the role of representing violence, the relationship between art and mourning, victim participation in the artistic process, and the possibility of healing through art.

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Author Biography

María Mercedes Andrade, Universidad de los Andes

She is an Associate Professor of Humanities and Literature at the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá. He has a Master in Philosophy (New School for Social Research), a Master in Hispanic Literature (SUNY Stony Brook) and a PhD in Comparative Literature from the same university. She has published the books La ciudad fragmentada: una lectura de las novelas del Bogotazo (Ediciones Inti, 2001), Ambivalent Desires: Representations of Modernity and Private Life in Colombia (Bucknell UP 2013), Collecting from the Margins: Material Culture in a Latin American Context (Bucknell UP, 2017), and Walter Benjamin aquí y ahora (Ediciones Uniandes, 2019).