Publishers and authors who wish to have their books reviewed in Revista de Estudios Colombianos should contact Felipe Gómez and consult our current book review list.  It is preferable that they send their books in PDF or electronic format to reduce shipping costs.


Guidelines for Authors of Reviews:
Submitted reviews must follow these guidelines in order to be evaluated:

1. Reviewed books must be pertinent for the mission of the Asociación de Colombianistas.

2. The review may be written in Spanish or English, with an extension between 750 and 1,000 words

3. The review must be delivered in electronic format, using Word. The font must be Times New Roman 12 and the entire text must be double-spaced.

4. The following information must be included: author/editor/etc. of the work reviewed, title, place and date of publication, publisher, number of pages, and ISBN. (See the format used in the latest issue of the journal.)

5. The review is submitted to the journal’s Review Editor through the OJS platform.